BRITE Co is sustained by YOU!
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$50: Supports ongoing efforts to increase our volunteer pool to more accurately represent the communities we serve and other critical JEDI training for staff and volunteers!
$100: Supports our monthly Restorative Practices Orientation which is the entry point for our volunteers. Once a month the community can come to hear about work, learn about volunteer opportunities and gain skills in how to apply restorative practices in their own lives.
$250: Supports our ongoing work in training School Resource Officers to utilize restorative practices in our schools. Since the completion of our first restorative practices training with SROs, they have used these practices over 40 times in our local schools.
$500: Will help support improved training for all volunteers in becoming more culturally responsive and more responsive to all of the needs happening during the conference process. This is a huge priority for BRITE Collaborative. We want to bring more training to our community to help make the RJ process even more meaningful and effective.
$1000: Supports the training of one volunteer as a Community Member for restorative conferences. Community members act as the voice of the community and help everyone understand the impacts to all of us.
$2500: Supports 16 hours of training for one volunteer as a Facilitator for restorative conferences. These facilitators are our rockstars! They hold the space and execute the RJ process with incredible integrity and at such a high level.
$5,000: Supports our monthly "Your Story, Your Power". YSYP co-creates opportunities for participants to experience belonging within a community through a group restorative theater process. Participants are not defined by their past choices and have the right to be the author of their own story.
$10,000: Allows BRITE Collaborative staff to coordinate one case from start to finish allowing the community a chance to fully resolve cases outside of the conventional justice system.
Invest Monthly
In order to continue offering our restorative services to Boulder County and beyond we are asking for donors to partner with us by becoming monthly subscribers. As a monthly subscriber you can pledge any amount per month to assist us in our restorative justice efforts. Your annual gift allows BRITE Collaborative to provide services to those need of restorative justice in order to deflect them from the life altering impacts of the criminal justice system.
Other Ways to Give
BRITE Collaborative can accept donations from donor advised funds, stocks, workplaces and more. Click below to learn how today!
Your donation will help…
Support Reintegration
People should not be defined by the worst decisions they have made and then spend their lives trapped in a punitive system, isolated from their communities. Your gift to BRITE Co. supports our work to help people fully reintegrate by making things right with those they have affected.
Repair Harms
Harmed Parties (i.e. victims) have a right for their voices and needs to be prioritized in justice, and Responsible Persons (i.e. offenders) should have the opportunity to take responsibility for their actions and the harms caused. We believe these two things can and should exist together. By donating, you create space for respectful dialogue and relationship repair to happen.
Prioritize Relationships
At BRITE Co. we believe that building and repairing relationships can be a transformative experience for all involved. When people open themselves to the possibility of seeing humanity in each other, real change happens. Your donation helps us facilitate this connection.
Build Respect
Crime and conflict often leads to broken trust. We work with those involved in an incident of crime or conflict to identify what they need to be able to dialogue and move forward in respectful relationship to the greatest extent possible. By offering your resources to BRITE Co. you enable us to guide this process.