Our Why


Our Vision

We see a world where individuals, families, and communities engage with courage and curiosity, building bridges to strengthen our collective resilience. Justice is not punitive but reparative, so we seek restoration over retribution and value each  person. 

Our Mission

BRITE Collaborative strengthens communities and relationships, while contributing to equity, justice, and access by bringing restorative interventions to everyone.

If there is not one among us who contains sufficient wisdom, many people together may find a clear path.
— Paula Underwood Spencer, a.k.a, Turtle Woman Singing

So, Why BRITE Collaborative?

It’s simple. We want to bring more opportunities to Restorative Justice and restorative interventions to other cities!

We are working to Bring Restorative Interventions to Everyone.

After 30 years of this work…folks say we are experts. We can work with other Public Safety Departments and Municipalities and help them create their Community Restorative Justice programs. Interested? Learn and get in touch here!

Did You Know?

BRITE Collaborative was established in 1994 as Teaching Peace by a St. Vrain Valley Educator, Dr. Beverly B. Title. Dr. Title partnered early with Lana Leonard to begin addressing bullying behavior within the district. The early work on the organization was to utilize restorative tools and interventions to prevent suspensions and expulsions that Dr. Title knew was deeply impacting black and brown youth. So, in a way, we are returning to our roots.

Now, as BRITE Collaborative we can amplify our efforts to help other local and national cities and organizations build their own Community Restorative Justice programs. We can help not only cities and municipalities with this work, we can train individuals, parents, workplaces, and other to utilize restorative tools to strengthen the community fabric.

Learn about our BRITE new logo!

Our Foundational Pillars

These pillars are derived from the work and heart of our founder, Dr. Beverly Title, who understood the foundation of Restorative Justice began with relationship, respect, responsibility, repair and reintegration,  the  5 R’s of Restorative Justice. 

Diversity Inclusion & Belonging

We acknowledge that traditional structures of power are inherently biased against marginalized groups. RJ recognizes that true justice requires that we identify and actively remove barriers that exist for certain groups of people in our community. RJ  provides an alternative to the  traditional justice system so  marginalized voices can be heard, honored and elevated. 


We prioritize the cultivation of meaningful relationships among individuals and communities. These connections are the foundation for healing, understanding, and collective growth.

Respectful Engagement

Through respect for ourselves and others, we acknowledge the inherent worth and dignity of each person, valuing diverse perspectives and experiences, and through this acknowledgment we can create brave spaces for all stories to be heard. 

Responsibility and Accountability

We honor the principles of responsibility and accountability by addressing harm as an essential component of the conflict transformation process.  

Commitment to Repair

We strive for holistic repair that addresses the emotional, relational, and systemic impacts of harm to both responsible persons and harmed parties.  We provide healing to those who were harmed by prioritizing and amplifying their voice in a way not provided in the traditional criminal justice system. Equally, we empower the responsible persons who have caused harm to make meaningful repair guided by their individual strengths. 

Reintegration into Community

We believe in the potential for positive change and growth for every individual. Our commitment to reintegration honors the indigenous roots of restorative justice in which every person is valued and indisposable. When people are given the opportunity to remain integrated into their communities instead of isolated, we all benefit and our community is strengthened.

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